• Shuffle Along, an all black musical comedy by Eubie Blake and Noble Sissle, became a hit on Broadway. Shuffle Along, which premiered on May 23rd, was written, produced, directed, and performed by blacks. It set the pattern for black musicals for many years after it premiered. This musical comedy was tried out in Harlem, Washington, DC, New Jersey, and Philadelphia before it opened on Broadway. Shuffle Along gave us such hit songs as: "Shuffle Along," "I’m Just Wild About Harry," "Gypsy Blues," and "Love Will Find A Way."

  • Florence Mills, because of her many successes, replaced Gertrude Saunders as the lead in Shuffle Along. Mills’ dancing completely stunned the audience.

  • Marcus Garvey called for an international convention of his Universal Negro Improvement Association to meet in Harlem in August.

  • Thelma Myrtle Duncan wrote her play, “The Death Dance,” while a student in T. Montgomery Gregory’s class. It was an early production of the Howard University Players, and was later published in the Plays of Negro Life.

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The Black Renaissance in Washington, D.C., 1920-1930s
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